What is Ladybird Designs?

Ladybird Designs offers one of a kind baby, toddler, and women’s fashions. All items are made with love and care (at a smoke free home), and all are customizable. For more information, or to order please visit my etsy store.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

I'm Sorry!

Sorry I've been MIA for a while. I am now getting to the end of my pregnancy, and actually could have the baby any day now. Unfortunately for you, this means I am tired and not feeling especially creative. Sorry! Bare with me and after the baby is here and we are settled I will be back!

Until then, have you checked out 77 Kids? Specifically Little77? Adorable clothes for babies and kids!

And here is a peek at my growing belly (just so you know I'm not making this up!)